Hire meeee

A few weeks ago I quit my job that I had been at for over 2 years. When I first started it was only suppose to turn into a Summer job, which turned into a part-time job during school then back to full-time till I found something else. I’m not going to mention the company as it needs to remain private. 

I would say two months leading to my leaving there was a lot of things changing in the contract. In itself, the job can be stressful; but I can deal with stress to a certain point. So, when changes started to happen you really saw everyone’s true colors, whether it was people at work or the clients. Needless to say, one morning I had enough and I quit.

It was a decision that I didn’t think through, but it happened. Now, I’m sitting on my couch looking for jobs day in and day out. I’ve applied to any job that was available. After a few weeks of searching there has been a small light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve gotten a job as a Recreationist at an old age home. I start in a few weeks and I’m excited and nervous!!! 


Brighton Relay For Life

For the past few months I’ve been volunteering on the Brighton Relay For Life Committee.  I was very excited when I was asked to be part of the PR/Promo team. The Relay For Life will be on June 6th and 7th starting at 7pm at the King Edward Community Center in Brighton. 

The Relay has been part of the community for over 8 years and still doesn’t have a big turn out like Quinte West or other surrounding areas. It may be due to the fact that Quinte West has a bigger population and just generally attracts more poeple. It could also be related to the fact that Brighton has an older demographic and they are not interested in an over night event. However, I do know that there is talk about no longer being an over night event. 

I have an online team in memory of my grand-mother who passed away in March. My team name is called “Fight For Grandma“, donations can be made online! You can also purchase luminaries in honor or in memory of someone for $5. If you’re interested in registering a team please let me know! 

Help us end the fight against Cancer.


It’s my birthday July 16th and I have no idea what I want to do. I feel like this is the first year that I’m not excited about turning a year old.. this must be how my mom feels.

My birthday falls on a weekday which isn’t the greatest, I’ll be at work all day. I just don’t know what I want to do! I don’t want to go out to the bar (thats a whole other story). Maybe I’ll go to the beach or Waterfront in Belleville. All I know is that all birthdays forward are going to suck!
